Management Structure

The Lead Beneficiary of the Small Project Fund (SPF LP) – is a beneficiary who in its name and on behalf of the partner / partners SPF submitted an application for financial contribution from the ERDF for umbrella projects and it is responsible for the implementation of the Small Project Fund. SPF LP is the first contact point for administrative and qualitative assessment. The SPF LB for the Eastern Programming area is: EGTC Via Carpatia. The SPF LP for the West Programming area: EGTC Rába-Dunaj-Váh.

Small Project Fund Partner (SPF P) - beneficiary realizing an umbrella project that has entered into a partnership agreement with the SPF LP. In the frame of Interreg V-A program the Slovak Republic and Hungary the umbrella projects for Eastern Programming area are implementing under the following partnership:

  • EGTC Via Carpatia
  • Košický samosprávny kraj
  • Szechényi Programme Nonprofit Office LLC.

Monitoring Committee for the Small Projects Fund (SPF MC) - The Monitoring Committee is a body appointed by the SPF LP to select and monitor the implementation of small projects and approve documents related to the implementation of calls for small projects.